The Science Behind Biodegradable Plastic Films: How Do They Work?
Plastic films do an excellent job of protecting everything from food to garments, but they don’t degrade into biosafe components. Researchers addressed this problem and created solutions in the form of biodegradable plastic films that have the same strength and...
How Do Lidding Films Protect Shelf Life of Products?Â
If you’re going to manufacture a food product, you need to ensure the food stays safe to eat and stays at its best quality for as long as possible. Proper storage is essential, of course, but the temperature and location...
Comparing Biodegradable vs. Traditional Plastic FilmsÂ
When you go to the store, you don’t typically give much thought to the packaging film or lidding that helps your purchases stay in their packaging. Many items you buy daily are wrapped and secured by plastic packaging films.. According...
Benefits of Switching to Compostable Packaging Films
In today’s eco-conscious world, companies across all industries are being called upon to embrace sustainability. One area seeing a significant transformation is the packaging sector, where traditional plastic is increasingly being replaced by compostable film. This shift is not just...
RTG Films- Best Materials for Effective Lidding Films
If you are an industry manager, you may be responsible for choosing the right packaging films or lidding materials. Packaging films are used for food products but can be used in the pharmaceutical, automotive, hardware, and consumer goods industries. Choosing...
RTG Films- The Benefits of Vacuum Skin Packaging Film for Food Preservation
Vacuum Skin Packaging Film – How it Enhances Business Companies in the fresh food business, whether manufacturing products, packaging products, or assuring the safety of fresh products, understand that the quality of the food packaging film plays a pivotal role...
Comparing High-Density and Low-Density Polyethylene Films
If packaging is a crucial aspect of your day-to-day business operations, then you need to make well-informed decisions concerning your packaging materials. There are two common types of flexible packaging films. High-Density Polyethylene, also known as HDPE, and Low-Density Polyethylene...
VSP Film / Board
Check out our new VSP Film adhering to our all new customizable paperboard. Run on the ILPRA line of tray sealers.
How Biodegradable Plastic Films Are Revolutionizing Sustainable Packaging
Over the years, plastics have gotten a bad reputation, and it hasn’t been totally unwarranted. Today, though, new innovative technology is making it possible for businesses to have the advantage of plastic film packaging that is also biodegradable. This new...
Online store
We have recently added an online store for purchasing stock rolls of lidding film in select sizes / film types. This is geared towards customers that order only a few rolls per month.